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Anne Bukten

My name is Anne Bukten and I am the project manager for The PriSUD project. Working with such an exciting project, together with so many talented people, is a great privilege. ​


I became interested in punishment, drugs and prison through being a psychology student at NTNU. I took a specialization in social psychology and became interested in how penal care - within a punitive context - worked with behavior change and crime reduction. I wrote a master's thesis on the cognitive change program  New Start, and collected data from the inmates who had participated in the program. As a student, I also got a side job in Trondheim prison, which gave me unique knowledge about a prison seen "from the inside".   


In 2012, we started the projects  NorMA  and  nPRIS  which are both unique in both national and international contexts, and which today form the basis for  The PriSUD project. We have great ambitions for the PriSUD project. Our main goal is that the results from our project will form new knowledge that can contribute to better mental and physical health, and better quality of life among inmates with substance abuse problems in prison.   


This is an important goal, both in a Norwegian context where we have international proportions of people who have serious drug use before imprisonment, but also in an international context where we see that the incarcerated population is on the rise, and where this increase is largely linked to a policy that has been characterized by a tougher crackdown on drug-related crime.   


Through this website we will publish the results of what we are working on. Feel free to follow us on our journey! 

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