NorMA: The Norwegian Offender Mental Health and Addiction Study
The three main aims of the NorMA study are to (1) describe substance use (current and past) and mental health among inmates in Norwegian prisons, (2) establish a cohort where survey data are linked with register data based on inmates’ consent and personal identification numbers, and (3) describe and explore data patterns, inmate factors, or subgroups associated with pre- and post-release outcomes.
A total of 1,499 prison inmates responded to the survey questionnaire, including 1,396 men and 96 women. Data were collected in 57 prison units in Norway during 2013 and 2014, including high- and low-security units and transitional houses. There are altogether three prisons for women in Norway, which were all covered during data collection. A full description of the NorMA study has been published and can be read here.